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On Wednesday, November 3, 2021, the Prime Minister of Togo, Victoire Tomégah-Dogbé, invited J. J. Robert Groot, Director of Partnerships at IFDC, to discuss Togolese agriculture. Groot took this opportunity to reaffirm the relationship between the Togolese government and IFDC.

The discussion focused on the Government of Togo’s Roadmap 2025 and how partners can support the Togolese government. The Honerable Tomégah-Dogbé underlined the government’s objective to make agriculture a real engine of growth, creating job opportunities and transformative industries, and to establish Togo as a regional reference in digital technology.

Groot said, “IFDC can support the government’s agenda, based on our experience on boosting smallholder productivity and agribusiness development in neighboring countries; we have expertise in the development of mineral resources, such as phosphates and fertilizer production, and could support the development of  fertilizer  production in Togo instead of exporting raw phosphates.”

IFDC has been present in Togo since 1985 when the organization’s first Africa office was established. With technical expertise in improving agricultural yields using good agricultural practices and inputs, IFDC is an independent non-profit organization that combines innovative research, market systems development, and strategic partnerships to identify and scale sustainable soil solutions for improved food security and livelihoods around the world.

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